A Trek.
I had to take a trip into the city for a doctor’s appointment today, and I had forgotten about the commissary at the local base being closed on Mondays. I had promised my brother’s and sister that I was going to make up a big pot of Kiesling Stew, and I thought I would save time and gas by making one trip for the appointment and stew ingredients. Alas it wasn’t to happen. The pharmacy in the city didn’t have the medicine the nurse practitioner prescribed, but it will be there tomorrow. So tomorrow I’ll make a hundred mile round trip picking up my medicine, and then going out to the base that is a distance past the city, and getting all the stuff for making the stew.
To a lot of people that long of a drive is really nothing. A lot of people do it everyday. My sister that lives across the street does a 75-mile round trip everyday to go to work. To her it’s like someone that lives in a city and driving across town could take one to two hours. To me it’s a trek. Last month when everyone had cleared out of the house and I really didn’t have anywhere to go, I filled up the tank and it lasted me almost the entire month. Just trips downtown to pick up whatever I needed and that was it.
That got me to thinking about the long treks that I used to take. When I was first divorced I would leave from Columbus, MS and drive to San Antonio, TX to pick up my daughters for the summer. It was about a 14 hour drive one way, so I’d find a place to stay that night in TX, and then we would head out that morning back to MS. That isn’t so bad in itself, but it was the return trips that always got to me. I would do the trip from MS to TX, and then I would do a turn around. I would spend just enough time in TX to drop the girls off and then head back home. I remember the longest period for there and back, I ended up spending around 32 hours in that car. Yes I know it was a stupid thing to do, but with schedules and finances being tight, there was no finding a motel. Plus I’ve never been one to pull into a rest stop and sleep.
I look back on those trips and others, and I think to myself how the heck did I do that. I know that a great quantity of coffee was drunk, but other than that it was just a determination to get there and back. Like I said, tomorrow I’ve got to make it 100 miles, and I’m not really looking forward to it. I think I’ll be say Bah-Humbug all the way there and back. :)
What’s the longest any of you have ever driven, time wise or distance?
I've also got a question about blogger if anyone can answer it. When I'm doing a new post, I used to have the option of having the left and right side straight down. I don't know what it's called but what you could check looked like this:
The other option is what I have now. If you look at my Oct 27th post you can see the lines all end together instead of like it is now. So my question is have they taken away some of the editing options or is just mine screwed up?
To a lot of people that long of a drive is really nothing. A lot of people do it everyday. My sister that lives across the street does a 75-mile round trip everyday to go to work. To her it’s like someone that lives in a city and driving across town could take one to two hours. To me it’s a trek. Last month when everyone had cleared out of the house and I really didn’t have anywhere to go, I filled up the tank and it lasted me almost the entire month. Just trips downtown to pick up whatever I needed and that was it.
That got me to thinking about the long treks that I used to take. When I was first divorced I would leave from Columbus, MS and drive to San Antonio, TX to pick up my daughters for the summer. It was about a 14 hour drive one way, so I’d find a place to stay that night in TX, and then we would head out that morning back to MS. That isn’t so bad in itself, but it was the return trips that always got to me. I would do the trip from MS to TX, and then I would do a turn around. I would spend just enough time in TX to drop the girls off and then head back home. I remember the longest period for there and back, I ended up spending around 32 hours in that car. Yes I know it was a stupid thing to do, but with schedules and finances being tight, there was no finding a motel. Plus I’ve never been one to pull into a rest stop and sleep.
I look back on those trips and others, and I think to myself how the heck did I do that. I know that a great quantity of coffee was drunk, but other than that it was just a determination to get there and back. Like I said, tomorrow I’ve got to make it 100 miles, and I’m not really looking forward to it. I think I’ll be say Bah-Humbug all the way there and back. :)
What’s the longest any of you have ever driven, time wise or distance?
I've also got a question about blogger if anyone can answer it. When I'm doing a new post, I used to have the option of having the left and right side straight down. I don't know what it's called but what you could check looked like this:
The other option is what I have now. If you look at my Oct 27th post you can see the lines all end together instead of like it is now. So my question is have they taken away some of the editing options or is just mine screwed up?
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