Mundane Doesn't Describe It

For the slackatudinally challenged.

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Location: United States

I have never taken any exercise except sleeping and resting. Mark Twain, Hard work doesn't harm anyone, but I do not want to take any chances. - Unknown, I am retired and have tried to do as little as possible - slowly. Me.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Blog Addiction

Today I’m feeling pretty blah. I over did it outside in the yard yesterday. Even though I haven’t felt up to par, I’ve found that I’m still addicted to the blogs. Even though I didn’t post any comments around yesterday, I still would get on the net every now and then and read.

It’s a funny thing about the blogs. If you had asked me nine months ago whether I would feel compelled to see what’s happening at my favorite sites or that I would even have a site, I would have said no. That’s before I got to know many of the wonderful people I’ve met through our medium of communication. I don’t know about you, but for me to see some of the beautifully written sentiments or the fiery rebukes of very talented writers is always a daily adventure. I never really thought that I would be experiencing the gamut of emotions that the blogs have brought out. From laughing with happy abandonment to lugubrious depths (sorry I’m a thesaurus geek), to anger and to understanding. For me to know some of these people is a pleasure and an honor.

But it’s the people I’ve gotten to know on an every day basis that bring me back to look and read. I guess it’s one of those things that once you get to know people and hear of their ups and downs, how their children are doing, and just how their day is going, you start to care. I know for me, even if I don’t comment sometimes, I want to know how they are doing.

So here’s to the people that drop by and to the ones I ask everyday, “How are ya doing?”

I hope your day goes well.

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