Mundane Doesn't Describe It

For the slackatudinally challenged.

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Location: United States

I have never taken any exercise except sleeping and resting. Mark Twain, Hard work doesn't harm anyone, but I do not want to take any chances. - Unknown, I am retired and have tried to do as little as possible - slowly. Me.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Still Waiting.

We have one small engine repair shop in town. It’s run by someone I’ve known since I was a kid. Heck they grew up not more than 150 yards from my house. There’s a blade that’s severely bent on my lawnmower and I can’t use it until I get new ones. Well I went down about three weeks ago and asked if they could order a mulching blade set up for my mower. Yep they could and that was no problem. I waited and waited and finally called. I was told right off that they don’t make those anymore. I wondered why wasn’t I called and told about this. So I asked could they put on regular blades and I was told yes. Since I have no way of getting the mower to them, I asked could they pick it up for me, and I was told it would be the first of this week before they could pick it up - nothing yet.

I don’t know if they have too much business or just don’t care. I have relatives here now and they parked their car in front of the mower. I was wondering if they showed up and thought it wasn’t worth the effort to ring the doorbell, and let us know they were there. I don’t know, but I do know I’ve got to get it fixed soon because the lawn is looking bad and dang it, my neighbors have been doing an excellent job on keeping their lawns.

Now I know I’m slackerly, but I think I’ve met my match.


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